James is Fire Shapers Pictish Viking Scotsman who has taken a fascinating journey to discovery
James a workaholic found that over the years tangling with health scares signaled a compelling need to recognise that a new range of life motion was essential or that he would be visiting Valhalla prematurely.
James entered a path of recovery, connected with a beautiful yoga teacher on Tamborine Mountain via a more moderate vinyasa style of yoga as a safe point of entry, began extensive personal research into change & the mind, whilst also making significant lifestyle adjustments which resulted in losing almost 25kg, embarking on establishing his own consulting practice for business development / personal coaching & mentoring.
On a trip to USA in 2015 James was encouraged to try Bikram style yoga in the hot studio, entered the arena & although wasn't quite sure what had hit him, the plot was hatched as the desire crept in to make this a primary driver as part of the healing process, this became clear. On return to Australia James located & joined a hot studio aligned to the Bikram posture sequence, he committed to several classes per week, as demanding as this form of yoga was he learned heaps, experiencing first hand the changes taking place in his universe & was hooked.
A desire to take his personal practice to another level with the potential of helping others, reaching out to those wounded souls, James embarked on the Fire Shaper 200 Hours Internationally accredited Yoga Alliance Teacher Training, consciously getting uncomfortable in the process, engaging with beautiful like minded people, was one of life's special moments sharing this deep personal journey with others through to the point of graduation.
"This yoga provided me with a safe place, calming the mind, reinvigorating & cleansing whilst constantly challenging every part of my mind, body & spirit providing essential healing I never thought was available at my stage of life. Due to hot yoga I transformed into a better mental & physical condition than I have been for 30 years, the many extreme aches & pains that were ever present have virtually been eliminated as has the need for an inhaler device.
"I reach out to encourage anyone regardless of age, sex, background, current physical condition or beliefs to simply jump in to embark on this journey, we learn together, we're all here to help be with you along the way.....This is a very safe place, challenge is ever present but zero judgement is welcomed."
James although relatively young on the teaching path, has an ongoing appetite for learning & discovering, his teaching style has been described as "firm but playful", would love any opportunity to guide & inspire you at his next class so you get to experience first hand this Celtic Invader.