Robert Byrne

Robert Byrne

Joined on Jun 7, 2024

Founder of Yogareal / Svarupa Yoga

Rob began studying the various yogas and mysticism in 1968. He initially practiced Gita yoga. In Melbourne in 1978 he met meditation master Swami Muktananda and travelled with him to America in 1980 where he assisted teaching Hatha yoga on Muktananda’s third world tour. In 1982 he went to Ganeshpuri, India to continue his studies.

After Muktananda’s death, Rob travelled to the Himalayas and began studying under a Jnana (Knowledge) master. He returned to India regularly over the next few years to continue this work. During this time he studied extensively and integrated the teachings of Nisargadatta Maharaj and Ramana Maharshi and other great Jnana yogis. He has studied Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Vedanta, and a diversity of yogas and meditation at Osho (Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh) and Swami Satyananda ashrams and centres throughout Australia and India. He also incorporated Primal Therapy and Rebirthing into the mosaic of his experience.

Rob studied, practised and ran schools in both of the main styles of physical yoga – static Iyengar and dynamic Ashtanga Vinyasa. He travelled to India and studied at the home and centre of both of these traditions with their respective masters – BKS Iyengar at Pune and Sri K Pattabhi Jois in Mysore. The first Ashtanga Vinyasa workshops in Melbourne were initiated and hosted at St Kilda Yoga School by Rob. The practice and experience of Vipassana – silent Buddhist meditation allowed integration and consolidation of the above physical practices.

He has taught yoga and meditation to the dance company for the musical Sweet Charity, instructed at various gyms and managed the St Kilda Yoga School for extended periods of time. He has taught yoga and meditation at Turana Boys Detention Centre, Pentridge Prison, and in particular Jika Jika maximum security. He was employed for twelve years as a Lecturer of Physical Theatre by Melbourne University teaching yoga to the actors at The Victorian College of the Arts – Drama Faculty. Rob has also taught the corporate sector – ABC studios, advertising agencies, business executives and organisations such as The Age Newspaper. The medical profession employed him to teach the Bayside Doctors at their wellness conference.

His teaching style is unique, innovative and transformative. His insights will allow you to have insights. He communicates his experience in a light and easy manner, making yoga fun, practical, challenging and appropriate to all.

Yogareal Yoga Studio - Albert Park cover image

Studio in Albert Park, VIC

Over the past 40 years Robert Byrne has developed a unique and transformative style of yoga unlike anything or anyone else’s.