Kundalini Creative

Kundalini Creative

Joined on Jun 7, 2024

A truly local city girl who has travelled the world collecting anecdotes, artefacts and wisdom. Over the years I have studied at the feet of many masters, honing my practice to specialise in naad yoga, chanting, meditation, pranayam, restorative relaxation and therapeutic sound healing. When circumstances allow, I hold events in the Inner West of Sydney and beyond, and regular sound relaxation sessions online. My heart leapt with joy when I discovered the yoga of sound infused in mantra, music and movement. Now I'm sharing the joy by teaching the technology of this ancient practice, making these teachings accessible to everyone.

The sound sessions help us to attain balance and bliss in these uncertain times, allowing restoration, relaxation and healing at a deep level.

Kundalini Yoga Therapy cover image

Teacher in Sydney, NSW

yoga meditation and deep relaxation for people managing chronic illness and recovering from health conditions